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A deep dive into the 4 stages of the surrogacy process: how does surrogacy work?

A Surrogacy Process Step-by-Step Guide with Surrogacy Agencies

Surrogacy offers a beacon of hope to numerous individuals and families, but understanding the intricacies of the journey can be challenging. While there is an abundance of information available on how to become a surrogate, there are fewer resources available online to answer the question, ‘How does the surrogacy process work?’

In this article, we have streamlined the surrogacy process, step-by-step, into four easily understandable stages:

  1. Surrogate Medical Screening
  2. The Legal Process
  3. Embryo Transfer (Fertilization)
  4. Pregnancy

Each phase presents its own unique set of challenges and rewards, playing a pivotal role toward the ultimate goal of helping intended parents become the family they have always dreamed of.

So, if you have ever been curious about how surrogacy agencies operate, we have compiled information on everything from embryo transfer meaning and surrogacy escrow account management, to surrogate medical screening and the gestational carrier agreement.

Get ready to unravel the captivating world of surrogacy after you have been matched with your Intended Parent! 

Decoding the Operations of Surrogacy Agencies: How Does the Surrogacy Process Work?

Congratulations! You have been accepted into the NewGen Surrogate Program as a gestational carrier. At this point, our new surrogates – like yourself, in this hypothetical – would have completed their psychological evaluation and background check, meaning they are ready to be matched with their intended family and embark on their surrogacy journey. 

The surrogacy process officially begins once our gestational carriers have found the intended family of their dreams, as well as their intended parent’s clinic of choice and Third-Party Coordinator. As a surrogate, you will quickly realize the Third-Party Coordinator plays a critical role, serving as both your initial gateway to an esteemed IVF clinic and an invaluable guide throughout the entire surrogacy process.

Stage 1: Surrogate Medical Screening

Once you have engaged with your Third-Party Coordinator and completed the requisite paperwork, the next crucial step in the surrogacy process is the meticulous surrogate medical screening. Your coordinator will thoroughly outline this process and organize an in-person assessment, involving:

  1. Blood analysis: Screening for the presence of infectious diseases, drug use, and tobacco use, and detect any abnormal hormone levels.
  2. Uterine analysis and Intravaginal Ultrasound: Examine your uterus for any abnormalities or irregularities.
  3. Body Mass Index (BMI) evaluation: Your BMI will be assessed to ensure it falls within the recommended range for a healthy surrogate pregnancy.

Rest assured, surrogacy agencies take care of arranging your hotel stay in close proximity to the clinic where you schedule your appointment, ensuring your convenience and comfort throughout the process.

Stage 2: The Legal Process

While awaiting your results from the surrogate medical screening stage, our team at NewGen will begin guiding you step-by-step through the legal formalities of the surrogacy process. The legal process in surrogacy involves two phases, which typically take one to two months:

Phase 1: The Gestational Carrier Agreement

First, our surrogates participate in preparing and signing a Gestational Carrier Agreement with the Intended Parent(s).

Ensure you fully comprehend the contents of the Gestational Carrier Agreement, as they may differ between surrogacy agencies. We want to ensure you understand your compensation, health insurance, life insurance, the birthing process, and other important details for a comfortable and successful surrogacy journey. Remember, your lawyer is there to assist and support you throughout this process. 

Phase 2: The Parental Rights Court Order Phase

Once you are comfortable with the Gestational Carrier Agreement, you will progress to the second phase, known as the Parental Rights Court Order Phase. This becomes relevant once you become pregnant. It comprises the pre-birth and post-birth orders, where the Intended Parent(s) are legally recognized as the child’s parent(s).

Surrogacy Escrow Account Management Services 

Lastly, to ensure timely and secure payments as specified in your Gestational Carrier Agreement, many surrogacy agencies like NewGen Families will require the use of trusted, licensed, and bonded escrow companies by the intended parent(s). The Trust Fund Manager will reach out to you to establish a Trust Account and provide the necessary information and documentation related to surrogacy escrow account management. 

Stage 3: Embryo Transfer (Fertilization)

You may have heard the term, but what is the meaning behind ‘embryo transfer’? It’s a key step in the surrogacy process, occurring when the prepared embryos are transferred into the uterus of the gestational carrier. The procedure will mark an exciting and pivotal moment in the journey, as it brings the hopeful prospect of pregnancy. 

After the embryos are successfully transferred, the gestational carrier will travel back home. In the subsequent weeks, the surrogate will also undergo BETA tests to measure the level of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in the blood. These tests are conducted multiple times, based on the clinic’s protocols and test results, serving as indicators of a successful pregnancy.

At NewGen Families – Surrogacy Agency, we prioritize the well-being of our surrogates, providing comprehensive guidance and support throughout the embryo transfer process. Our goal is to ensure a smooth surrogacy journey, leading to the joyous fulfillment of the intended parents’ dreams.

Stage 4: Pregnancy

Finally, we have reached the most exciting stage of the surrogacy process – we are pregnant! Every pregnancy is unique, so this part of the journey is particularly difficult to predict. There are, however, certain milestones and events that typically occur during each trimester, including:

  • During the first trimester, we undergo the Heartbeat Confirmation Ultrasound to confirm the viability of the pregnancy. You will also have the clinic graduation, where you transition to receiving care from an OB office.
  • In the second trimester, we will continue to provide support through regular check-ins with your coordinator. Additionally, you will have the 20-week Anatomy Scan to ensure the baby’s development is on track.
  • As we enter the third trimester, we focus on birthing preparations. Our team will assist you in understanding the necessary steps and help you navigate any questions or concerns that may arise.

Unlike other surrogacy agencies, our dedication to your well-being continues well after the birth. Our team remains committed to supporting you during the postpartum period and will maintain regular contact to ensure a smooth transition for you and your family.

Learn More on How the Process Works When Partnering with Surrogacy Agencies

Although the step-by-step surrogacy process is a remarkable and exciting journey to undertake, one can see the importance of understanding the various stages involved. By familiarizing yourself with how surrogacy works with leading agencies in the industry, including the medical, legal, and emotional aspects of surrogacy, you can confidently navigate the process and make informed decisions – ultimately allowing you to be equally excited about the journey ahead!

If you’re considering becoming a Gestational Carrier or embarking on a Surrogacy journey, trust NewGen Families to be your reliable partner, offering expert guidance and unwavering support throughout this incredible experience. Speak with our team today to learn more about how the surrogacy process works.

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